Archive for October, 2009

Rejection Hotline

woman on phone

I thought it was really mean when I found out about The Rejection Hotline (Click here for your local number), but now I know why it exists.

So here’s how the story goes. A guy approached a girl at the bar, she gave him her business card and he left these:

Horrible VoiceMail

Too funny! talk about being full of himself. He’s the perfect example of the kind of guy that deserves to be given the Rejection Hotline number.

Via Smitten

October 23, 2009 at 2:22 pm 1 comment

All Together Now, Again.

Remember how I was obsessed with an ad and decided to have a little fun with it?

Well, someone decided to one up me, but they decided to have A LOT of fun with it.
Isaac, a friend from London who likes videos and pictures (a little too much if you ask me), decided to prove himself worthy of big projects and show his talent.
He decided to give up a looooot of hisĀ  time to pay homage to the ad in a way more labor intensive way.

I’m impressed (and kind of jealous!)

Amazing work Isaac.

October 22, 2009 at 12:17 pm 2 comments


Fraud-o-matic is a genius micro site for Maloney & Porcelli’s a NYC steakhouse that has found an interesting way to get you to eat there: make the company pay for it.

This stunt from NYC agency Walrus goes beyond digital marketing in a page that’s both clever and charming. You simply have to enter the total of your Maloney & Porcelli’s bill and it will give you a pdf with a series of realistic looking receipts that add up to the exact amount you spent.

What better way to break through the mold then to have a humorous approach to the recession.

It’s advertising at it’s best, but I wonder if anyone has dared to use the fake receipts, especially with the amount of buzz the web page has gotten.

October 15, 2009 at 2:17 pm 1 comment

Random Things


Stolen from LakeJane

October 9, 2009 at 1:51 pm 3 comments


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